mardi 18 décembre 2007

Map Room

Mappers in active duty aren't adventurers.
As long as they really do work the map
The desert is far, accuracy is needed
Next to the support of adventurers
To get somewhat useful stuff.

I left the map room
Eager to see what I had seen
On the map, I knew where to go and I knew
How to tell north from south when I'd be there.
But once gone walkabout, stood about in the desert
Rid of quite everything, desert-orphaned
Working my map out there
Was of no avail.
The map room was far, I appeared
Far too small and no damn cartographer
If by chance he'd run over the thing he was doing
Could ever stumble on me and from up there
Enlighten my plight in order to
Give it all meaning.

December 16, 2007

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