samedi 28 juin 2008

4 Days in Manhattan - 1 Best Friends and Phoebus' Chariot

Even though I always knew that therein resides a yearning
Kept ever fresh for corporeal splendor and could
Easily weigh the importance of her looks

I had to cross the Atlantic with the sun
And yet widdershins
To find out that Art is a gay thing.
Interest in her is a gay interest.
To be attracted to her looks like a gay attraction.

Wherever in Manhattan you may find her, throughout
These scattered places you won't encounter
In Americana
But youngish men walking their dogs.

A youngish man strolling through Manhattan
With some dog leashed to his wrist is a gay man.
It is also a man who seems interested in
––Or attracted to––

The art may be best friends with the dog
Or may be best friends with the gay man––
All the same, as long as
You ramble where she is confined to
Without the slightest chance of getting preggers.

This is the first thing I have learned in Manhattan.

June 10, 2008

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