samedi 3 avril 2010

Big Beards Before Others

Ernest Berryman as I use to call him
Because of his
Ernest beard and
Ernest end and
Ernest ways to consider the sexes – this
Mislabeled case may appeal to a certain audience
As some other Ernest did.
Yet audiences whatsoever, in my book
Aren’t a big help to Ernests.
Besides, it’s too late.
Besides, even Ernests can’t help Ernests
Let alone their beards or ends or ways considering.
But I sometimes am sort of helped out by one of them
Whatever that might mean
While another one leaves me as cold as an icicle.
Oh, Grampa Frost! This is because all
Ernests aren’t the same
Despite their
Common name.
And beard.
And end.

However, there rests – to quote clean-shaven W. –
Importance of being so; little’s told
Less is caught on
Even lesser’s without.
A little stub of warm and fuzzy succor and
The fate that would go with it.

April 3, 2010

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