mardi 4 mai 2010

Something on Unicity and Multiplicity

1. One Fine Tree

Looking out of my city window
I can’t see but one fine tree.
One, not more. I’ve to
Concentrate on him if I want
To understand all that is trees.
Today it is rainy and terribly windy, he
Shakes his massive leafage into clumps
As if he were an entire forest of
Deciduous tree.
Fortunately, he is deciduous.
He decides for all the trees.
And I start to understand him
For I feel like deciding
For the rest.

I guess he is normal.
I guess the trees he stands for
Would all act exactly the way he does.
I guess I’ve got a bit of a luck.
This tree for instance
Is nothing special I suppose
And so am I.
Otherwise, caught in a restricted area
I couldn’t have the slightest idea
About what should be
Nor could this tree
Be what he is.

2. Daylight Parade

Whenever I wake up it is time for a new favorite.
I’m an emir with a harem of hundreds.
Every morning another pet.
Weather changes. Yesterday blue sky, I
Grabbed one of the long-neglected fair ideas.
Today slightly overcast. Ideal for a slim and wistful one.
A hundred variegated cranks are healthier than just
One plain and all too faithful home obsession.
This should stand to reason.

I’m alive and awake – you, chop chop, also rise and shine!
Morn isn’t a pageant, so don’t be handfuls.
Line up in your rumpled peekaboo nightgowns and
Once again smile through those furry grills easing the choice!
Let me see how much of you I still recognize.
Some are growing plump, aren’t they, or is it my
Sloping memory
______________That fills the deep
_____________________________With footless gold?
Most of you things always drowsy, rubbing sleepy sleepy eyes
Way too open or too closed, yawning trap and blinking
Peepers, looking like your own kin thrice removed.
Oh, nothing is antic if it is but for starters.

Alone with yourselves, stand upright, ye beauts of raw dawn;
As for service, ’twill be the wallow of one day! You
May spiff up once I have concluded.
For the nonce, glad to have you in the natural state.
You cranks are vessels, it is my job to pour wherefores into.

May 4 , 2010

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