mercredi 21 novembre 2007

Lit Heroes #2 - Gulliver

Size is a lifetime problem.
The most dazzling issue is not
Whether I am too big or too small or precisely my size
––For I always fit into the size I'm supposed to be––
What really bamboozles me are those changeling volumes

I am personally not used to switching sizes.
If I can sway the lighting I can't bias the light––
My size is true and I am right.
Though I'd prefer to be even tinier at times…
And sometimes feel that even life-size I am taller than life.

Little buggers kind of scurry all around me
And a huge moron enjoys battering down my crown.
It scurries and it batters.
I have ants in my pants
While a colossus labors to scratch me away.

July 12, 2007

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