lundi 26 novembre 2007

Overreading the Bible

There are as many Bibles as there are generations.
The Scriptures are supposed to be re-read by each.

The trouble has always been that
Discerning simple ideas soft-focussed in the haze of precious
Or filtering unheard-of data out of commoner talk
Are two different jobs for there are converse codings
And only the last one's Ars poetica
And only the last one can be Bible.

You might find in the Sutras some obsolescence
And Targumic Aramaic isn't currently a mother tongue
But the crowd-perturbing fact is: there is too much simplicity
Looming through it, rather than esoteric automatic writing
It would be the chore of the learned, Benedictine labor
With––unkindly enough––scarce an image in it.

It's no ban, no adult subtlety, no puerile iconoclasm though, it's
___________________________________________just 'cause
Image in it but explains, states and expounds, elucidating
Neither willy nor nilly, yet as motivated as
Otherwise only a porn pic;
All this canonical stuff is an apron-clad housewife, plainly kind of
_____________________________________________ a chum
But nonetheless the only person knowing your kinks 'n tantras well
_____________________________________________ enough
To have satisfying sex with:

I am sort of resting for a spell in a tiny park
Smack dab in the middle of Metropolis
Stillness and by-oneselfness amidst the roaring midtown bustle

(––Do you remember Puy Mary, adamantly wrapped in snowfall
____________________________________________and fog?
You thought us lost in some Pamir, smelling near-death xp, you
__________________________________________were frozen
With fear, wailing and gnashing of teeth, inconsolable, en route to
__________________________________________your maker
And then this truck came along and we heard it honk and found
We weren't even a stone's throw away from the local highway:
If we'd been to die it'd have been no avalanche but this truck to
_______________________________________run us over––)

Me alone for a spell on this minuscule island thus.
And as if it where the most normalest thing in this world:
Here observing an ant crawling over a leaf
Here shaded by a Japanese maple
Here a piece myself of utterly made-up nature.
Herein between myself.

November 22, 2007

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