mercredi 16 mars 2016

Seed-Saucer Act II

Definitely one bird.
There is one bird left. And, sure, a
Seed saucer where this one bird continues to shop.

It wasn’t planned this way, this one wasn’t
Supposed to visit personally unto the thick of nowhere
But the flock has migrated and only one is left. “My” bird.

Birdie, it shouldn’t have occurred to me
To call a vagrant chirper “mine”, but you’re this constant
And I didn’t ask someone to stay and come.

So, it must be unsolicited love
Or something close to that
Sort of actual bother.

I don’t know your manners, bird, I do know mine.
And I do know the sinister significance conveyed by
A lonely bird haunting an otherwise deserted seed saucer.

March 16, 2016

[Cf. Aucun regret possible]

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