mercredi 19 décembre 2007

Lit Heroes #15 - Romeo

The more there is love the less there is science
Lovers are like theologians, lovers either of faith or of rite.

Acquiring knowledge of him
She might even have come off to procure him some pleasure
But they hadn't the time for that.

Their whetted members would have run across each other
If they had had the time for that––
Only the affection would have blunted a bit.
And there was too much of that to bestow the time
And poor knowledge required.

Abstaining hasn't ever been a question of morals but one of
They were hurried on the stage where to deal with the
Means to hardly recognize the universal.
She, humming, half ignored what to do with the half chub he
And he, baffled enough, did not know how to tell;
Thus remained beastly passion for a moment…

Yet in days of utter thrill the bucolic, hard by the flock, gets
___________________________________to know
And there is no lesser love.
But these weren't observers coming of age. However allured
They knew not love.

July 18, 2007

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