mercredi 12 décembre 2007

Lit Heroes #11 - Ahab

Life is too short to trifle and scatter your shot.
It's hard enough to do one damn business right.
To have accomplished one single thing in this life
Is enough glory for a lifetime.

Do not get bogged down in details, the intention is all
No matter what that target thing is, big or small
Brute or meticulous by instinct.

In my case, it must be gigantic indeed.
Brute or meticulous by instinct, I don't know.

I ignore almost everything about this one great thing.
It is terribly agile despite its size, you'd never guess
How womanishly vagrant and brisk.
A quick-change chunk prima donna, like dancing jumbo
________________________________ sparks before the eyes.

Whenever requisite
The monster ducks below a line I cannot peek through.
Its reactions are utterly unforeseeable.
I wouldn't even dip below the line of my forehead.
My own reactions are utterly unforeseeable.

All too foreseeable to me, Ishmael says.
He won't achieve even one decent thing, this guy, for good.

July 15, 2007

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